Meaning national character
What does national character mean? Here you find 6 meanings of the word national character. You can also add a definition of national character yourself


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national character

The values, beliefs, and personality characteristics that describe the people of a country in general terms.


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national character

is a group of characteristics or behavioural traits which are afforded to the entire or majority population of a whole nation. These characters primarily consist of stereotypes that are seldom accurat [..]


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national character

How the people of a country generally think and behave. It includes attitude, mindset, beliefs and culture.
David - 17 May 2019


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national character

The alleged common personality characteristics of an entire society or country; especially applied to modern societies or nation-states.


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national character

According to certain psychological anthropologists, the dominant personality of a nation.


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national character

National character is the perceived "dominant personality of a nation. in europe 5o or 60 years ago Americans were seen as loud. some decades later Germans were given that trait. Japanese are ???; Russians are ???; the French are ???. fill in the next words. to me, that the US has declared a "National Character Counts" Day, it is not a positive message. it is a message to cities in the US to "act" like the dominant personality. In the US case, that is white, Christian, male dominant culture. I an an older guy and was surprised to see the national character concept still used, minorities beware.
MickeyG - 20 October 2020

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